Our Grow Spaces

Seedleaf manages 10 free, you-pick gardens and a 2-acre urban farm that are open to the public in North Lexington. Our London Ferrell Community garden has plots available for rent on a sliding scale. Email Garden@seedleaf.org to inquire about plot rentals and requirements.

Use the map to locate your nearest free, you-pick community garden location.

North Pole


Bryan Ave


Roosevelt Blvd


Whitney Ave


Breadbox Garden


Castlewood Park Orchard


London Ferrill


Grace Garden


Nelson Ave


North Pole | Bryan Ave | Roosevelt Blvd | Whitney Ave | Breadbox Garden | Castlewood Park Orchard | London Ferrill | Grace Garden | Nelson Ave |

Seedleaf Community Farm

History: In 2017 neighbor Andrew English told us about his dream of farming and his need for land. He alerted us to the roughly 2 acres of vacant land a few blocks from his home and since then Seedleaf has worked to make this land available to developing Market Gardeners enrolled in our year long program!

How do I get there? The Seedleaf Community Farm is in the North Limestone Corridor at 1411 North Limestone, where you will find a nearly 2 acre farm, fit with a beautiful shed and pavilion space, a new cooler, and more. If arriving by car, it’s easiest to head to 150 Northland Drive and head to the end of the Biscayne Apartments.

What is this space used for? The Farm is home to the Seedleaf Market Gardener Program that equips interested growers with education, tools, land, and market outlets to sell their own produce. The program is one year long, however we are able to welcome back several previous gardeners this year due to additional growing space.

Who benefits from this space? Located in the portion of the farm closest to the neighboring apartment buildings, the community garden offers fresh food in spring and summer at no cost to anyone who frequents the space. *Note: Only the upper portion of the grow space at the top of the hill is available to the community.

Additionally, some of the after school programs Seedleaf accompanies occasionally use the space for educational opportunities.

Headwater Farm is 30 acres of pristine farmland located at the headwaters of the Elkhorn Creek in Northeastern Lexington, Kentucky. This land helps us in our efforts to cultivate produce for community partners & support small local agribusiness in Lexington. The majority of the land is used by market gardener program alumni to launch their market garden businesses as well as by new American growers from Africa and Asia to grow culturally relevant foodstuffs for their communities.